DCA Strategic Plan

DCA Strategic Plan 2025 – 2028
Art in a Fragile World


This strategic plan embraces uncertainty1. Uncertainty is part of fragility; the uncertainty of our times underlies and magnifies the fragility of our world. Australia Council has this to say about uncertainty in advising those who seek support for 2025-2028:

The Australia Council acknowledges that there will be ongoing uncertainty for the sector over the period of this plan and that it will not be a static document. How an organisation delivers on the strategic vision articulated in the plan will likely evolve in response to changes in the sector, the operating environment and future disruption or challenges2.

Yet we continue to make and share art in these “uncertain hours”3. We do so, recognising that we can control our attitudes or values and our actions, and little else; but we continue to hope that our communities will make and share art that will make our lives more meaningful and our world better. So, this Strategic Plan also embraces hope.

  1. Chris Cheers, The New Rule Book, Harper Collins, 2023. Cheers (and others) suggests that we accept uncertainty in life, that we cease imagining we can predict the future. He says that we can only control our attitudes and actions, nothing else. Cheers says “embrace uncertainty”, p. 6. ↩︎
  2. Australia Council, Strategic Plan Advice 2025-2028,
  3. Paul Simon wrote of uncertain hours in his song “American Tune”, released in 1973
    https://www.newdirectionsinmusic.com/an-american-tune-by-paul-simon/#:~:text=I’m%20not%20the%20first,recorded%2C%20and%20released%20in%201973. Times are much more uncertain now. ↩︎

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