Other Funding Opportunities

If you are developing a creative project that just doesn’t quite fit into the Regional Arts Fund guidelines, there may be other funding opportunities available to you.

Here is a brief list of some grant programs that may interest you. This list is not definitive, as there are many sources of government and philanthropic funding out there.

Before you start searching

Before you start your research on funding, it’s important to break down your project and consider where the needs for funding sit. For example, are you working on a festival and require funds to pay for acts? Do you have a great community project in mind but need materials and payment of artist’s fees? Does your project encompass community health, is it educational, or will you bring an artist into your community to work “in residence”?  If you truly understand your project and why it is being created, you will be better placed to find funds that you will be able to direct to the appropriate area of your project.

Arts NT
Arts NT aims to make sure you have access to a variety of arts and cultural activities, either in the audience or as active participants.

Australia Council
The Australia Council for the Arts is the Australian Government’s arts funding and advisory body. A search of their grants will provide you with guidelines regarding funding for both individuals and groups, with a variety of grants available to support fellowships, career development, touring, leadership and more.

Grants NT

Copyright Agency

The Foundation for Regional & Rural Renewal (FRRR) has a variety of grants open at different times throughout the year to support communities to achieve social and economic aims.

APRA AMCOS covers the rights and uses of music, for both local and international songs, for the benefit of music creators and music customers. APRA AMCOS deliver funds to hundreds of initiatives across Australia and New Zealand.

The National Association for Visual Arts (NAVA) offers a range of grants, awards and scholarships to support and develop the work of visual artists, craft and design practitioners.

Screen Territory 

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